Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter! 1 Year Anniversary Starts May 1st

I hope there is a Chocolate Easter bunny in your future today!  Mine is sitting on a shelf just waiting to have its ears bitten off!  My favourite is milk chocolate, my husband likes dark.  So I don't have to share!  We even have a really wild bunny running around our house (outside) and 3 deer come daily to eat the bird seed and new growth on the bushes.  It is a mama dear and her 2 babies from last year.  She continually tries to make them stop following her, she runs them off from time to time.  Guess she knows when they have to learn to forage on their own.  They are pretty cute!

May 1st marks the start of my online store and in house shop.  I will be having some great specials so watch the blog and shop site for the list.  I can tell you all Glue Dots will be $3.00 a box and once my UPS boxes arrive with the rest of my stock, I can put together some creative packages that I hope you will like!
Enjoy the day,

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